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INTER PARES works to strengthen
representative democracy through
support to Parliaments worldwide

Funded by the European Union
For the European Union, support for democratic development is a key foreign policy objective and a high priority in its international and development cooperation policy. An important thrust of these efforts is to strengthen the capacity of parliaments. The first phase of the project, with a total budget of EUR 5 million, was implemented over four years (2019-2022). Due to the success of the first phase, the European Union has granted a second phase of the INTER PARES programme, for the period 2023-2025.

Implemented by
International IDEA
The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) is an intergovernmental organization established in 1995, with member states across all continents, which aims to support sustainable democracy world-wide and assist in the development of institutions and the culture of democracy. At the interface between research, fieldwork and the donor community, IDEA provides a forum for dialogue, builds networks of experts, develops training materials and provides strategic advice at the international, regional and national level, cooperating with a range of organizations.