INTER PARES activities
Conduct of peer-to-peer parliamentary strengthening activities between EU Member State parliaments and partner parliaments
- Peer-to-peer professional development for staff of parliamentary secretariats.
Peer-to-peer assistance to Members of Parliament, in particular in their capacity as members of parliamentary committees
Promotion of sustainable inter-parliamentary cooperation and parliamentary support approaches
- Organisation of inter-parliamentary conferences
- Contribution to global efforts on the adoption of international standards for democratic parliaments
Promotion of research, knowledge-sharing and parliamentary innovation
- Production and updating of knowledge products on parliamentary matters and support approaches, and support to the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s (IPU) Centre for Innovation In Parliaments, United Nations Women’s Knowledge Network of Women in Politics (iKNOW Politics) and the e-learning platform AGORA
- Development of online courses for all
Principles for engagement
Peer-to-peer engagement: Between Members of Parliament and parliamentary secretariat staff of EU Member State and partner parliaments.
Demand-driven: The project will remain responsive to the needs expressed by partner parliaments.
Process-supportive: The project will work with Parliaments who are already engaged with the EU in processes to review their democratic institutions. This will ensure that the peer-to-peer assistance and transfer of knowledge has a greater impact due to a multiplier effect
Action-oriented: Parliaments participating in peer-to-peer exchanges, both EU Member State and partner parliaments, will agree on follow-up action plans, whereby they commit to specific, mutual actions
Gender sensitivity: The project will adopt a gender mainstreaming approach in all its activities and leverage its influence to ensure institutionalization of gender equality commitments
Rights-based Approach (RBA): All activities will be carried out in full application of the RBA’s five working principles: (1) Applying all human rights (legality, universality, indivisibility), (2) Participation and access to decision-making process, (3) Non-discrimination and equal access (4) Accountability and access to the rule of law, and (5) Transparency and access to information
Multi-party: The project will conduct peer-to-peer exchanges and organise networking opportunities giving equal opportunity to participate to Members of Parliament from both the opposition and ruling party
Tailored modalities of implementation: The project will adapt the modalities of peer-to-peer exchanges according to specific criteria and context. The following types of activities will be considered:
Training workshops
Exchange visits
International mentoring
Remote assistance
Induction and orientation programmes
Dialogue facilitation
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