5 useful parliamentary resources in response to the Covid-19 pandemic

Looking back at 2020, we’ve compiled a list of 5 useful parliamentary resources in response to the Covid-19 pandemic: 

  • INTER PARES: The primer “Parliaments and Crisis: Challenges and Innovations” https://bit.ly/3nvbFWx and the data tracker on parliamentary responses during the pandemic http://bit.ly/3i2iC09 
  • International IDEA: Global Monitor of COVID-19´s impact on Democracy and Human Right http://bit.ly/2L0eTnJ  
  • IPU: Country compilation of parliamentary responses to the pandemic http://bit.ly/3opayIS  
  • UN Women: The primer “Gender-sensitive responses to COVID-19" http://bit.ly/2MBH5NT  
  • OECD: Policy responses to Covid-19 – Legislative budget oversight of emergency responses: Experiences during the coronavirus (COVID 19) pandemic https://bit.ly/3oi6Hxn