Workshop on Legislative Drafting with the Ivorian Senate, German Bundesrat and French Senate

A three-day virtual exchange with staff members from the Legislation and Oversight Department of the Ivorian Senate and their counterparts from the German Bundesrat and French Senate took place from 30 March to 1 April 2022. The exchange, which was organized following extensive discussions between partners during the Paris workshop on the evaluation of public policies, allowed for:

  • Presentations and discussions on the legislative procedures at the Ivorian Senate, German Bundesrat and French Senate;
  • A joint reflection on what is a “good” draft law, which covered key themes such as constitutionality, citizen representation, language clarity, legal and impact studies and research;
  • Discussions around the structure of draft laws and main steps in legislative drafting;
  • Discussions around amendment writing and structure.

The next steps include the development of a practical guide for the Ivorian Senate and further virtual and in person exchanges between the Ivorian Legislation and Oversight Department and the corresponding departments at the French Senate and Bundesrat.

Key Results:
100% of participants surveyed reported an increase in knowledge in legislative drafting and amendment writing.