Youth Participation Workshop: Registrations Open!

Across the world, young people are under-represented, both as elected representatives in parliaments and in policy debates that impact youth. 

INTER PARES seeks to collect and share knowledge and innovation on parliamentary practices that can help bridge this gap, with a focus on enabling young people to engage with the day-to-day work of parliaments. To that end, our first Youth Participation Workshop will take place online on 15 November 2023 from 1pm - 4pm CET

In line with the Summer School format, this workshop builds on the newly launched e-learning course on ‘Youth Participation: Pathways to Parliament’. This course introduces youth participation, taking parliamentary practice as its starting point. It explores what we understand by ‘youth’, considers different models for their participation, and invites learners to critically reflect on their own views and experiences.  The focus lies on the core functions of parliament, through a review of existing INTER PARES’ core courses from a youth perspective. 

The Youth Participation Workshop is a 3-hour session that invites parliamentary staff to explore the more sensitive elements of the course in greater detail. Moderated by the author, Lotte Geunis, participants are encouraged to critically engage with the subject, share questions, and exchange with their peers. The workshop includes a one-to-one peer exchange and a break-out group discussion, to look more closely at youth participation in different areas of parliamentary work and across different parliamentary contexts. 

Registration is open to all, but priority will be given to parliamentary staff. Places are limited and will be assigned on a first come first serve basis. To register, please click here

In case of any questions, please contact Lotte at